We invite all LaSIGE PhD students to present a flash talk and a poster on their ongoing work. Posters will be voted by the workshop participants and the top four will be given a slot for an oral presentation at the workshop.
Flash talks
WHAT: Prepare one or two teaser slides for your work. You will talk over these slides for a maximum of one or two minutes at the Flash talks session.
FORMAT: The slides must be PDF format. They should be in a standard 4:3 format that is suitable for presenting on a projector set to a resolution of 1024×768. Please ensure that your slides work and look good in this format.
WE WILL PROVIDE: A title slide. Your slides will be preceded by a title slide that we will generate (to ensure a uniform appearance). You should introduce yourself on the title slide and then advance your slides as necessary.
DEADLINE: Submit your flash talk slides by November 5.
WHAT: Prepare a poster about your work to be projected during the poster session. Each poster will be up for 15 minutes.
FORMAT: The poster must be PDF format, in a standard 4:3 format that is suitable for presenting on a projector set to a resolution of 1024×768. Please ensure that your poster looks good in this format.
ON THE DAY: Check your scheduled time slot and projector. Make sure to be next to your poster when it is your turn.
DEADLINE: Submit title and abstract by October 30, and poster by November 5.
All students should prepare a 10 minute presentation and bring it on a flashdrive to the workshop. The top four voted poster authors will present at the Student Session.
All submissions by e-mail to cpesquita@di.fc.ul.pt.